Friends of
The Y Services Memorial

Can you help? A Standing Order of just £3.00 a month will help us achieve the required amount.
With enough people making this small very small contribution every month we will easily hit the annual target and keep the plot in pristine condition.
We decided on Bank Standing Orders because the arrangement leaves you in complete control of your money and your bank details.
How to become a Friend of The Y Services Memorial at the NMA (FOYSM)
Please take out a Bank Standing Order made payable to the RBL Y Services Bank Account Bank Account.
Account Name: Garats Hay Royal British Legion
Sort Code 40-30-24
Account No: 61824007
Amount: £3.00 monthly (or more if you wish)
Reference FOYSM
Please note that this is a Business account.
When you have set up your Standing Order perhaps you would kindly let our treasurer know by email: yservices.treasurer@rbl.community
Or by post:
1 Sunnindale Drive
NG12 4ES
All monies received will be kept in a ring-fenced account. Should the fund greatly exceed our annual need a percentage will be transferred to the Poppy Appeal.